Your Virtual Tour

Your Body Was Made to Heal Itself

Getting Started


New Patient Guidelines:

Complete Initial Paperwork

Drivers License/ State ID

Insurance Card (if available)

Method of Payment

Current Patient Guidelines:

Please Sign in at IPad Kiosk

Follow 2-4-6 Rules

Have a Drink, Read a Book, Relax

Check-In on Social Media

Day 1: Data Collection

The initial visit is intended for our doctors to collect as much information in order to determine if you have subluxation and are a candidate for care. We have a very unique way of identifying both neurological and structural imbalances as a result of subluxation which includes the use of:

  • Infrared Thermographic Spinal Analysis
  • State of the Art Digital X-Ray Films
  • Orthopedic and Neurological Evaluation
  • Postural Analysis
  • Biofeedback and Kinesiology
  • Advanced Palpation
  • Logan Basic Indicators

During the Day 1 visit, we will review your new client questionnaire, perform a complete physical, postural, and neurological exam, followed by specialized Digital X-Rays. Be prepared to get into a gown from the waist up (removing all jewelry, belts, etc.) and make sure that your hair is dry and your skin is not sunburned. Also, follow our “2-4-6” rules prior to coming into the office so that we may obtain accurate information.

This visit will take approximately 1 hour.

Day 2: Doctor’s Report

All of our programs are customized to meet the needs of each patient. Being on the “same page” is imperative so that we know what to expect from one another. During this visit, one of our doctors will consult with you about the data collected during your Day 1 visit.  We will review your information and go over your health history in detail.  You will receive our recommendations, program options, and cost involving for your initial phase of care. Once you accept our terms of care, you are now ready to proceed to Day 3. Please follow our “2-4-6” rules prior to coming into the office so that we may obtain accurate information.

This visit will take approximately 30-45 minutes in length.

Day 3: Spinal Correction

This day is the beginning of your transformation as you will receive your initial upper cervical spinal correction. Prepare for this day similar to Day 1 and Day 2 by following the “2-4- 6 Rule.” The resetting of your nerve system will open up new pathways to help your body overcome the physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges that are affecting your ability to live.  Once the spinal correction is made, you will rest in our private resting suite for about an hour to allow your spine to adapt to its new position and develop a refined muscle memory. After your rest, a follow-up neurological exam is performed to ensure that your nerve system is now balanced.

This visit will take approximately 90 Minutes.

Day 4: Post-Visit

One of the most important concepts to understand is “holding.” The longer your adjustment holds in place, the longer your body has the opportunity to maintain internal balance. In order to maxamize the results of your chiropractic care and hold your adjustments for longer, we recommend you address the three following elements of health:



Our thoughts play a crucial role in maintaining internal balance. Emotional stress is the #1 factor that interferes with the body’s ability to hold a correction. Learn more here!


The matter in which we take care of ourselves physcically directly correlate to the amount of stress placed on the nerve system. It is important to maintain spinal posture, get adequate movement, and avoid injuries. Learn more here!


What we put into our body, becomes an expression on the outside of our body. Remember that everything we put into our body is either helping us or hurting us, avoid chemicals and eat as healthy as possible! Learn more here!

You can learn more about the “Three T’s to Healing Health” in our blog section here!

Following your Day 3 spinal correction:

  1. Refrain from overhead lifting and strenuous activity
  2. Stay mobile with walking or light exercise
  3. Avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time
  4. Drink plenty of water and avoid caffeine
  5. You may experience compensation aches and pains

Should you have any unexpected pain or symptoms, please follow-up with our office immediately.

Becoming a new patient is easy!